The next project. The next 30 days.
Thoughts on the previous 30 days.
Time to move away from for awhile. I don’t want to get hung up on one project. I want to put out new builds and new ideas into the world, and see what actually helps you all.
For now, Chirty has all of the main features I had in mind:
— Create a Streak just for yourself, to track your progress over 30 days, focusing on One Thing.
— The ability to create a Shared Streak, invite your friends and family to it, and work towards that One Thing as a group.
— A way to write and publish your Learnings, with a full featured editor, similar to this one on Medium. Once published, other users can see it and learn from it, and get motivation to complete their own One Thing.
That is where Chirty will stay until there are requests for improvements or feature requests, or the user base grows considerably.
Even in its current state, it is helping me everyday, plus I will be using it to track my progress on all of these new builds going forward.
My Next One Thing
Build an AI Slack Bot to help with consumer support questions.
Not sure on the stack, or how this can be achieved, but that is what the next 30 days are for right?
… right?
Where I see the need
At my current job, there are a ton of questions that come through our slack support channel.
Usually pulling in two of our team that are non-technical, then finally me when those questions can’t get answered.
It drains a lot of time and resources.
Plus, incurring the general deficit that is task switching. As a software developer, task switching is my nemesis. You spend an hour getting 10 files straight in your head, developing a plan, to all of that being wiped out by a support request. Then starting from scratch an hour later.
What we are going to build
A bot that I can integrate into a slack support channel, where in order to post into the channel you have to submit your question to the bot first. Then it will filter out repeated questions that have already been answered.
Use our support articles to give it custom information on how to answer even unasked questions using ChatGPT.
If the answer provided by the bot is not helpful, then let the question be posted to the slack channel.
This will save tons of time and energy, for the support team and for the engineers that inevitably have to answer the question anyway.
No more wasted money through time spent, or through the time wasted on task switching.
I will keep you all updated as we go!
— Jay
If that sounds interesting to you, let me know I chose the right project by leaving me a comment or a few 👏!
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